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RSI Polaris

"Jaws (1975) - You're Gonna Need a Bigger Boat"

Robert Space Industries Polaris

I want a boat that can carry other smaller ships.
Taking a Vulture salvage ship and offloading the 1SCU containers in the bigger ship and keep going.

Persistent Habs

So having your big-ass ship as a flying homebase, that is supercool.
But a physical location to call home is also good.

Player Homes & Hangars

Youtube video by "SuperMacBrother" that talks about the Persistence Habs

Persistent Hangars

The second ownable thing in game.
Little feeling of a home before habs come in the game.


Youtube video by Star Citizen "Inside Star Citizen" that talks about the Cargo gameplay and Persistent Hangers

Origin 600i Rework

When they announced how the
new 600i will look, i was sold
This one looks like a little 890
Now just wait for when they
have time to make it

Inside Star Citizen: A Cut Above | Fall 2022

Youtube video by Star Citizen "Inside Star Citizen" that talks about the Origin 600i Rework

Video's and Livestreaming